
online tech
  • Eject USB Device via a Shortcut or Hotkey via USB: a keyboard, mouse, external hard drive,
     USB flash drive, wireless USB card, etc, etc.
    Wouldn’t it be nice if there

     was a quick and simple way to eject a USB device?

    You can, of course, use the Windows Safely Remove Hardware feature,
     but if you’re a geek and really want to eject a device without having to click
    5 times, keep reading!

  • How to Open Password Protected RAR Files Have you ever ended up with a RAR file that was password protected?
     Maybe you set the password yourself and forgot it! Whatever the case,
    there are a couple of ways to crack the password on a RAR file if you get lucky.

    Basically, there are two standard methods
     to cracking a password for any program:
     dictionary attack and brute-force attack.

  • Watch DivX Hollywood/Bollywood movies online for free In the mood to watch a full movie online for free? You can use to

     watch Hollywood, Hindi, Anime, Cartoons,
    TV Shows, Music videos,
    Documentaries, and foreign movies streaming
    online with subtitles for free!
    The site does not actually host any videos itself,
     but instead bookmarks videos from the site Stage6,
    which is a video sharing site like YouTube,
    but for high resolution DivX videos.

  • Download Torrents in Ubuntu using Transmission Transmission is the default bittorent client of the Ubuntu operating system.
     It is a tool used for peer to peer file sharing on the Internet. Peer to peer file
     sharing is a fast way of downloading files because all connected peers
     who are downloading the file also upload the files to other connected peers.
     The more peers connected will result in faster download speeds.

  • How to track the original location of an email via its IP address Here’s a quick how-to guide on how you can track email to it’s originating
    location by figuring out the email’s IP address and looking it up.
     I have found this to be quite useful on many occasions for
    verification purposes since I receive lots of emails daily due
     to my blog. Tracking the IP address of an email sender does require
     looking at some technical details, so be ready to dig your heels in!

  • Some very useful but less known features of windows7 Windows 7 is here. A lot has been written about the most popular features, such as the HomeGroup file sharing, Jump Lists that enable you to access your
    files faster and the smarter desktop.
    But what about the features behind the headlines? The clever additions you might not have heard about but, once you know about them, you’ll wonder how you
    did without? We delve deeper.


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